DesignBuilder Pricing DesignBuilder is available in various packages

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Standalone Licences

Standalone licences are activated directly on the computer(s) used to run the software, without the use of a company licence server. These licences may still be moved between machines as needed. Both packages and individual modules are available.

The prices shown below are indicative - please consult the full price list for more details. Customers neither resident nor represented in the Republic of South Africa should consult our international price list.

Package One year licence Two year licence Three year licence
Architectural Essentials R 30 290 R 54 620 R 77 340
Architectural Plus R 41 650 R 75 170 R 106 540
Engineering Fundamentals R 37 860 R 68 680 R 96 810
Engineering Essentials R 45 430 R 82 200 R 116 270
Engineering Plus R 65 980 R 118 980 R 168 730
Engineering Pro R 100 050 R 180 090 R 255 260
Engineering Pro (Student Personal Licence only) R 1 410 R - R -
Prices include VAT at 15 %.

Site & Seat (Network) Licences

A network licence allows a customer to install DesignBuilder licence server software on a single server machine. This machine then distributes module seat licences to the various computers on a shared network. Licencing of off-site machines is possible using VPN and similar technology, and is allowed by the licence agreement.

Pricing is "per seat" with the exception of the site network licence for the server. For further information and pricing, please contact


Greenplan Consultants, in partnership with DesignBuilder UK, offers discounts as follows.

Type Discount Requirements
Rolling renewal 10% Applicable to customers renewing their only DesignBuilder or Climate Aanlytics licence before it expires
Purchase quantity 20% Applicable to two standalone/single-user packages purchased/renewed together (not applicable to Climate Analytics)
Purchase quantity 30% Applicable to three or more standalone/single-user packages purchased/renewed together (not applicable to Climate Analytics)
Purchase quantity 20% Applicable to adding/renewing standalone/single-user packages when owning at least one already (not applicable to Climate Analytics)
Academic 50% Proof from University that licences will be used for academic purposes only (not applicable to Climate Analytics)
See our price list for student personal licence pricing.

Part XA Library

Greenplan offers a DesignBuilder Part XA:2021 (Ed. 2) library file for R500 incl. VAT. This includes the schedules set up for Part XA:2021 Ed. 2 as well as the various Ed. 2 DTS/reference model constructions. It also includes some typical insulation materials, including cases of compressed over-purlin blanket insulation. It is provided free of charge to our training attendees. Note that this library does not include weather data.


To order DesignBuilder, please download and complete a purchase order form and return to

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